February 14, 2011

H1N1 influenza confirmed in Wisconsin cat

February 14, 2011 -- IDEXX Laboratories announced today that infection with the 2009 H1N1 influenza virus was confirmed in a 6-year-old cat in Wisconsin. The cat's owner had recently been ill with flu-like symptoms prior to the cat's illness. The cat developed severe respiratory illness; despite aggressive treatment, the cat deteriorated and was euthanized. A second cat in the household also developed severe respiratory disease and was euthanized due to failure to respond to treatment; although samples from that cat were negative for the virus, 2009 H1N1 influenza remains the presumptive cause of illness and death in the second cat. For more information, read the IDEXX industry alert.

Until now, the last confirmed 2009 H1N1influenza infection in a pet was reported in January 2010. These new cases serve as a reminder that the virus is still circulating in the population and is still capable of infecting people and pets.

We have updated our 2009 H1N1 resources, all of which are available on our website.

- 2009 H1N1 influenza resources
- FAQs by veterinarians about 2009 H1N1 influenza
- FAQs by pet owners about 2009 H1N1 influenza

The most important messages for clients at this time are not to panic and to have any ill pets examined by a veterinarian, especially if someone in the household has recently been ill with flu-like symptoms. To date, all of the infected pets were infected by ill people, and there is no evidence that ill pets have transmitted the virus to people or other animals. Emphasize the importance of proper hygiene and sanitation to prevent spread of the virus. Based on the currently available information, ferret and cat owners should be especially cautious.